Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Book Review: Revision & Self -Editing

Recently finished a book that I wanted to share with other writers out there: Revision & Self-Editing by James Scott Bell.
The book is very well done. It was one of those times when I wish I would've come across this earlier. Mr. Bell has done a wonderful job of bringing all the various sources, books, & articles around editing that I've come across into one useful volume. Every chapter gives you exercises on how to apply the techniques outlined--very effective & easy exercises.
More than just a technical manual on editing, Mr. Bell provides deep insight & expert advice on how to be a better writer & build a better story that will keep readers glued to the pages. He reviews everything from description & setting, plot & structure, to character development.
I came away with a whole list of to-dos & new ideas on how to make my book better. Now I have to get to work.
Revision & Self-Editing is definitely a 5-star rating & a must read for all writers out there!

Friday, May 11, 2012


I've been doing a lot of nesting lately. I'm coming up on the one-year mark in my first home. It's a nice feeling, but was also a reminder of just how little I've done since I moved in. So, I made a list of projects & things I need, and then got started.
I sorted out my entryway & mess of shoes. The thing I'm happiest with so far is making my "patio" look like a patio.

It was nice to get dirty, & sort of therapeutic. I enjoy spending time out there & often catch myself in the chair, reading, sipping coffee, & enjoying the surroundings. I just need to figure out a good way to get the dog out there with me & without running away.
As the book goes, I've started the research I need & the "stuff" I need to figure out. It's been a bit slow with the focus on nesting, but progress is progress. I have a good friend giving it a read through & I'll see if there are other things I'll need to figure out.
All in all I have to admit that I am enjoying this sabbatical. I am starting to fret a bit that I still haven't found a new day job, but am taking it as a sign that I just haven't found the right one yet. Hope it comes soon ;-).
For now, I'm off to enjoy a lovely Friday evening on the patio!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Congratulations, it's a brand new baby . . . book!

After 5 years, umpteen different versions, combing 2 books into one, and a freaking lot of frustration, I finally finished it and have a draft I'm happy with. Granted, I think a lot of that time had to do with the issues I was having with the world and problems with breaking my own rules, but now that I figured all that out, things went smoother.

I took a day ignoring the book (titled The Resurrected), everything really—it was some evil hour in the morning when I finished, and if it hadn't been for the dog, I probably would've never gotten out of bed the next day. And then, started a read-through to see just how bad it is?

Turns out, I'm actually happy with what I'm reading so far. There's some holes that need filling, some research to do, but the story's there. As usual, the action is too. Can't really explain it, but I do love letting the monsters run free and have their bloodshed. Makes for some good reading.

My goal, since it's always nice to have goals, is to have a final copy I feel ready to submit to agents by July. Then, on to the next one. Tentative title is Faolan, but we'll just have to see how it turns out. Good thing is that I already have the first two chapters and the outline done, so it should go easy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Angry Angel Enterprises

I wanted to tell you the story of where Angry Angel Enterprises came from, because—yes, I'll admit it—it's a bit weird.

When I first started chasing the dream of making a living as a writer, all the research I read said get a site, get a business, and get going. So, I did all the above. But, when trying to come up with a business name for a writer, I drew a blank . . . for a long time.

In the end, I was actually inspired by another writer. I was deep into my second book by this time, so when the inspiration hit, the answer was simple. The series I'm writing centers around one character, Dyllan, and his "team." One of the other characters, I would call him the most important supporting character, always calls Dyllan, "my angry angel." It's a term of endearment and completely fitting.

Yes, I can hear some of you moaning that it was the easy way out. Maybe it was, but considering I'm hoping to build my novelist career off this series, it seems right that it the name of my business should reflect that in some way. Plus, all those who love having "insider" knowledge, will get a kick out of it when they put it together—I know I did.

Now, the hard part begins; coming up with the logo.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mission & Vision

I was recently "relieved" of my day job. After a moment of panic, I decided to turn my aspirations of writing into aspirations of a writing paycheck. It was already a goal for 2012 to get things going and continue focusing on the writing side of my life, but now I'm taking advantage of the sudden onset of a-lot-of-time-on-my-hands and launch a freelance writing/copyediting business.

The first part I needed was to finalize my mission and vision statements. After a lot of hard work and even more editing, I've finally came up with them. In the end, I created two sets; one for me as a writer, and one for my new freelance writing/copyediting business. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

  • My Writing Mission:
    To conjure wonderful, spellbinding stories and compelling characters that help readers escape reality and lose themselves between the pages. To have every story be an improvement to the craft and to be a leader and member of a supportive writing community, through blogs, critiques, and social networking. To create a body of novel-length works and collected stories that crosses genre boundaries to reach a wide audience.
  • My Writing Vision:
    I am a prolific writer with a wide body of work and a cult-like following that allows me the success of living the dream of the craft.
  • My Freelance Mission:
    Leveraging my unique point-of-view and experience in communications, I work with clients to develop compelling and powerful copy through customized content creation and careful editing.
  • My Freelance Vision:
    I am the freelance writer/copyeditor of choice for the clients I serve and am the leader in customer value.

The next part, is to get my name and mission out there and start the search for clients. I've even drafted a schedule to maximize productivity and not fall into the laziness cycle with the newfound overabundance of time. Tomorrow, I start the project of updating and finishing my website. It's been woefully "under construction" for too long now. The "incident" with my last host that caused the complete loss of my previous site (including all its content) really set a daunting mountain to climb that I've avoided thus far. But, cannot have a freelance business without a site and online presence. (It all seems to keep coming back to that.)

Stay on the look out for more news in the coming days!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's 2011-2012

I do enjoy this time of year. It's a good time to take a look at things and adjust the plan if needed; a time to set new goals and start some exciting new projects. I find it's also a good time to restore some energy and reclaim all the good habits that the lazy--although sometimes very hectic--holidays stole away.

I gave up making resolutions years ago. They never work. Instead, I reaffirm my life's objectives, review and set goals, and keep on trudging down the road.

2011 brought some great things. I met some great goals, met some great people, and bought my first home. It was a great year. Hard to imagine how 2012 might top it. While I've set some mighty goals, none are as lofty or life-changing as buying the condo. This year is more business focused.

While reclaiming my inner artist this year and refocusing on the book and my writing, I realized that if I want to make a living with my writing, I needed to start treating it like a business. I did well in 2011 seperating work and life to give me the time for that refocusing, but I need to take it a step further. I almost need to think of it as another job; a job with a schedule and everything.

The one thing all companies have, and even most teams these days, is a mission statement. They have a shining star to continually correct their path and ensure they stay on course. Most of them even have vision statments giving them the picture of what they want to be, what they want to be seen as. So, I too am setting to develop my mission, vision, and goals as to where I want to be as a writer, where I want my writing "business" to be. I'm even working on a marketing plan. All the many things that need to be in place by the time I'm ready to publish.

I'll leave you with this. Good luck on your endeavours for the year, whether they be resolutions, goals, or nothing at all. May the worst of 2011 be the best of 2012!