Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's 2011-2012

I do enjoy this time of year. It's a good time to take a look at things and adjust the plan if needed; a time to set new goals and start some exciting new projects. I find it's also a good time to restore some energy and reclaim all the good habits that the lazy--although sometimes very hectic--holidays stole away.

I gave up making resolutions years ago. They never work. Instead, I reaffirm my life's objectives, review and set goals, and keep on trudging down the road.

2011 brought some great things. I met some great goals, met some great people, and bought my first home. It was a great year. Hard to imagine how 2012 might top it. While I've set some mighty goals, none are as lofty or life-changing as buying the condo. This year is more business focused.

While reclaiming my inner artist this year and refocusing on the book and my writing, I realized that if I want to make a living with my writing, I needed to start treating it like a business. I did well in 2011 seperating work and life to give me the time for that refocusing, but I need to take it a step further. I almost need to think of it as another job; a job with a schedule and everything.

The one thing all companies have, and even most teams these days, is a mission statement. They have a shining star to continually correct their path and ensure they stay on course. Most of them even have vision statments giving them the picture of what they want to be, what they want to be seen as. So, I too am setting to develop my mission, vision, and goals as to where I want to be as a writer, where I want my writing "business" to be. I'm even working on a marketing plan. All the many things that need to be in place by the time I'm ready to publish.

I'll leave you with this. Good luck on your endeavours for the year, whether they be resolutions, goals, or nothing at all. May the worst of 2011 be the best of 2012!